Dublin Police Activity Blotter for August 28 – September 1


Below is a copy of the activity blotter by the Dublin Police Department for the dates of August 28 through September 1.

8/28/2016 21:58 MEDICAL ASSIST
8/29/2016 15:15 CPS ASSIST
8/29/2016 16:45 HARASSMENT
8/29/2016 17:39 WRECK
8/29/2016 18:35 WRECK
8/29/2016 15:37 DEBRI
8/29/2016 20:04 MEDICAL
8/30/2016 21:04 SUSPICIOUS MALE
8/31/2016 3:15 MEDICAL ASSIST
8/31/2016 11:00 CC/DC AB– USE
8/31/2016 12:21 CPS ASSIST
8/31/2016 12:08 MEDICAL
8/31/2016 20:35 CPS ASSIST
8/31/2016 19:42 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF
8/31/2016 20:33 MEDICAL ASSSIST
8/31/2016 21:37 CPS ASSIST
8/31/2016 22:47 MEDICAL ASSIST
9/1/2016 9:53 MEDICAL
9/1/2016 14:56 MEDICAL


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