Tarleton student elected undergrad rep for psychological association

Kristen Bowman
STEPHENVILLE (June 16, 2017) — Tarleton State University senior Kristen Bowman, a psychology major from Blanco, Texas, has been elected to a one-year term as Undergraduate Representative of the Southwestern Psychological Association (SWPA).

As Undergraduate Representative, Bowman will serve as a liaison between the undergraduate student members of the SWPA and its executive council. In addition, she will chair the student caucus at the SWPA annual convention in April 2018, and contribute a column to the quarterly SWPA newsletter.

“I am thrilled to have been elected as the Undergraduate Representative of SWPA,” Bowman said. “I am honored to serve an organization that gives all students an opportunity to present their research and learn about the field of psychology in a fun and interactive way.”

Kristen Bowman

Dr. Thomas Faulkenberry, assistant professor of psychological sciences and Bowman’s research advisor, said, “Kristen is a remarkable student. She has already been a great representative for Tarleton with her numerous research presentations. She thinks clearly and has very good ideas. I know that she will do a great job as SWPA Undergraduate Representative.”

Since beginning her studies at Tarleton in 2014, Bowman has been involved in many campus activities, including several collaborative research projects with Faulkenberry. She has presented her research at several conferences, including the past two SWPA conventions in Dallas and San Antonio, the Southwest Cognition Conference at Baylor University, and the Psychonomic Society meeting in Boston.

Established in 1954, the SWPA is made up of members from nine states and works to promote and strengthen the scientific, professional and educational aspects of psychology.

To learn more about Tarleton’s Department of Psychological Sciences, visit www.tarleton.edu/psychology.

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