The Stephenville Chamber of Commerce held it’s annual banquet this weekend. Though it was scheduled for Friday night, the weather pushed the event until Saturday, but local community members weren’t deterred from the fun, coming out in force to support the Chamber of Commerce. Members bid on a number of exciting items in both a live auction and a silent one, as well as decorating tables and dressing up in wonderful costumes.
Costume Contest winnerCostume Contest winnerMonty BedwellMayor Kenny Weldon and Stephenville Police Chief Jason KingCostume Contest winner – John Baxter as the Mad HatterJuly DanleyRising Star Award winners – Jody and Sara CaudleJ Bryan DavisEntrepreneur of the Year Award winner – Nathan and Julie Griffin, Hay and Feed RanchChamber President and CEO July Danley and Greg Bruner, Bruner MotorsEmily Roberson, the Beulah Brown Ambassador of Year AwardShinning Spur Award winner – Ed Horton, Tanglewood PharmacyDwain Bruner, Bruner Motors
Darrell Brown, Diane McCoy past president and current president David PerezDavid Perez, Chamber Ambassador PresidentDarrell BrownFriend to Agriculture Award winner – Cowboy Capital of the World PRA
Ag Producer of Year – Johan and Sonya Koke with Blue Jay Dairy and Blue Bonnet DairyCostume Contest winner – TexasBankBlazing Boot Award winner – Texas Health Harris Methodist HospitalCostume Contest winnerCostume Contest winnerCostume Contest winnerCostume Contest winner
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