Dear Editor:
Why is now the time to vote for a school bond? Perhaps the following will provide answers to that question.
- when school buildings need essential safety upgrades – it is time
- when schools have fire code deficiencies – it is time
- when schools are not ADA compliant – it is time
- when educational opportunities are being missed due to inadequate facilities – it is time
- when overcrowding of buildings and spaces is not conducive for school safety and student use – it is time
- when programs have been added with no additional space for them to dress out and perform to the best of their ability – it is time
- when we fall behind surrounding schools – it is time
It is now time for us to step up to the plate and do the right thing. Our children and future children deserve better than the campuses I have toured. The conditions, though well maintained, are an embarrassment to our community. The passage of this bond will bring our Intermediate and High School campuses up to the 21st century and will have the potential to provide environmentally safe and secure learning environments for many generations to come.
We live in the City of Champions – it is time to vote FOR SISD Bond.
Yours truly,
Marion Cole
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