Put down the cell phones, hand-held games, and tablets and head out for fun and adventure with Tales on the Trails along the Bosque River Trail in Stephenville.
Tales on the Trail is a “Walking Storybook Program” presented by the Stephenville Parks and Recreation Department and the Stephenville Public Library. It’s an exciting new adventure for the whole family.
Young and old alike can start at the Graham Street Trailhead, and as you complete each section of the trail, there is a pedestal waiting to tell you part of a story.
To find out what happens next you need to make your way to the next pedestal. There will be a monthly change out of stories to keep things fresh and to help encourage more adventures along the trail.
Special features will also be included to update readers about highlight programs, holidays and other information about what’s happening in Stephenville.
Tales of the Trails’ first featured book is Pete the Cat: I Love My White Shoes which is a perfect fit for a starter book as it turns out no matter what color Pete’s shoes are, Pete keeps moving and grooving and singing his song.
What a perfect adventure and just in time for spring break cabin fever.
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