Bees to battle China Springs in rare day game Friday


Coach Russ Mayes and his staff have been hard at work the past two days coaching, dredging and pumping water from a swampy McCleskey Field in the Stephenville City Park.
“Hopefully the city will somebody come down to drag the infield today,” Mayes said. “That will help dry things out.”


The crew had a small pump and hose out Wednesday and Thursday the Honeybees were busy shaking off the dust from spring break.
Many of the players were concentrating on the very basics of the game, and the coaches were making little corrections – lots of them.
The 2019 edition of the Honeybees is long on talent, very short on experience and that has earned Stephenville the dreaded label of “having potential.”

The Bees have a 6-12 record in 2019 and topped Hillsboro 8-5 on their last trip out. During spring break the Bees have concentrated on themselves.
“We’ve taken the time to work on team unity,” coach Mayes said. “Back to the basics and our team chemistry.
Keeping his team on an even keel is Mayes most important task as he takes youth out against more experienced teams.
“We knew we were going to take some lumps along the way,” Mayes said. “We will be playing tough teams in the district, and we are going to have to learn how to win games.”
Most pleasing to Mayes has been his player’s growth from day one.
“We’ve had growth at key positions,” Mayes said. “Defense is where we need the most work. Today we aren’t going to get much work in because of the field conditions.”
The Bees will matchup against China Spring Friday at 12:30 p.m. as the teams take advantage of spring break for a day game.

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