Six SHS Career Development teams headed to state


Six Stephenville High School Career Development teams including three first-place teams are headed to state after qualifying at the area event held at Tarleton State University Wednesday.

These teams from Stephenville High school will compete in the state competition. Milk at Tarleton, Floriculture at Sam Houston State, Wool, Entomology at Texas Tech, and Meats and Livestock at Texas A & M.

Floriculture- 1st
Shaelyn Rainey 1st place High individual
Maggie McGregor 3rd place High Individual
Tori Permann
Madde Day

Milk Quality & Products – 1st
Devon Roeming 1st place High Individual
Kreed Averhoff 4th High Individual
Jordan Kalsbeek
Josh Cox


Reese Wilson 1st place high individual
Jake Bagby 2nd High Individual
Morgan McKinzie 5th High Individual
Ryan Hess

Wool -3rd
Guthri Jenschke
Jettie Funderburgh
Rette Peters
Katie Cason

Livestock – 4th
Cason Love
Raylee Pack
Tristan Hanna
Cade Davis

Entomology – 4th
Maverick London
Subarna Pokhrel
Kyle Styron
Wren O’Neal

Vet Tech was 17th but didn’t advance
Chloe Krause
Anna Gray
Hayden Monk
Mia Jaimes

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