Celebrating 25 years in the community


By Jessie Horton
August 10, 2023

For 25 years, like the roar of the can fans, he’s become a fixture on the sidelines. On Friday nights folks expect to see Dr. Bill Evans, or one of his staff, out there with the Stephenville Yellow Jackets.

And over the years it’s grown. From Tarleton to Three Way ISD and every size school in between. Now the staff at Cross Timbers Orthopedics can be seen on any number of area sidelines like the Dublin Lions or the Lingleville Cardinals. And that’s just the way Dr. Evans likes it. 

“I really do love it, the fans and the guys create that atmosphere and being there to help them when they need it, well, that’s just our job,” he said with a grin. “We’re there to help and I’m glad to do it when needed.”

He said this is exactly what he always wanted to do. Having been raised on his family’s ranch in Proctor, Dr. Evans knew from the start he wanted to have his practice in Stephenville and help work the family ranch. After graduating, he went first to A&M in College Station and then to medical school at UT Southwestern in Dallas. From there, he went to Atlanta before coming back to the ‘Ville on August 10, 1998. 

But he didn’t come home alone. Dr. Bill Evans brought with him Dr. Nan Evans, his college sweetheart who he met in school and married while in Atlanta. The Doctors Evans moved back to the area and hit the ground running, joining up with area doctors before branching into their own practices. Dr. Bill joined up with Dr. James Herbertson and was on the Yellow Jacket and Tarleton State sidelines by the 1998-1999 seasons. 

Through the years in Erath County

“I kind of got lucky in a sense because I came at a time when Stephenville was hungry for some wins,” he remembered. “It was the era of Art Briles and Kelan Luker. It was a fun time to be out there. On up to more recently with guys like Cody Davis or Jarrett Stidham. And at Tarleton, I’ve gotten to see the rise from DII to DI, not only with the football team but also basketball with coaches like Lonn Riesman and Billy Gillispie.”

And changes in coaches are the only ones Dr. Evans has seen. He said one of the best changes is the constant advancement in technology in sports medicine. With their own MRI and CT machines as well as lasers for less invasive surgeries and a cryogenic chamber for helping with muscle recovery and even sound wave therapy technology, the staff at CTO and CTI are on the cutting edge of tech in their fields. 

“Both Dr. Nan and I have always felt technology was important,” Dr. Evans said. “Even when we first moved home, getting the best tech and the best imaging capabilities possible were always top of the list for us. And having one of the best in the business in the other Dr. Evans makes what we do on our end even better, too.”

The technology at both CTO and CTI isn’t just for his sports medicine patients. The Evans and their staff go above and beyond for every patient that comes through their doors, from the older folks to the farmer who broke his shoulder falling off a tractor to the professional rodeo cowboys who needs to be ready for the NFR, the staff at CTO & CTI are there. 

And after 25 years, he’s really got some great stories, and not just from the sidelines. There have been little things like removing a fishing lure from a patient and common fall breaks that he’s seen so many times. But there’s been crazy things, too, like when he fixed a rancher’s arm after a bad donkey bite. Or the really hard ones when a young athlete doesn’t know if they will play again and Dr. Evans helps make it happen.

With his trademark grin and willingness to help in every situation, Dr. Evans has made a name for himself and his practice by always going above and beyond.

“I like to meet everyone where they are, that’s what I like about this business and this community,” he said. “From the kiddo with a fractured arm to the high schooler with an injured knee to the elderly woman who is having trouble with her joints, we see everyone and we do our best to help them all.”

And his patients see him as the kind, honest doctor they know, who grew up here and came home. But there are some things they might not know. Like Dr. Evans was on the Dean’s Forum at A&M and was offered a spot in several big practices when he finished residency, but home is where he choose to be. And if you look, you can see that this truly is where Dr. Evans loves to be. Even after 25 years. 

Here’s to 25 more!


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