It is my extreme honor and pleasure to endorse Sherman Edwards for Precinct 3 Commissioner. I became acquainted with Sherman and his wife, Thetis, when I was on the Stephenville City Council. Sherman’s extensive career with TXDOT and his ownership of a small business led me to recommend his appointment to SEDA (Stephenville Economic Development Board).
We need experienced, honest, dedicated people on appointed boards and in elected positions. If elected, Sherman’s only employment will be that of a full-time county commissioner. He brings years of professional road experience to the commissioner’s court. In the past, there has been a haphazard approach to the management of our county roads. But, with his in-depth training as a professional road inspector, Sherman intends to inspect each and every road in his precinct to plan and determine which roads should be prioritized. We need this professional approach to road management in our county to best provide quality service to our county residents.
Sherman and Thetis have deep roots in this community. They have been dedicated to this community.
Please consider placing your trust and your vote with Sherman Edwards.
Carla Trussell
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