Area residents,
On the eve of early voting beginning Monday (April 22), I would like to endorse Rick Gann for school board. Rick and I have become acquainted through our mutual active involvement in the Erath County Republican Party. Rick has served as a precinct chair in the party and has volunteered his time in party activities.
Rick and I both also served on a citizen group involved in the committee investigating football stadium options. Rick was key in encouraging the committee members and board members to limit the stadium bond to $39 million instead of the original $5O million the school board had wanted. I appreciate his willingness to speak up and press for getting a better deal for taxpayers. He will not be intimidated in standing up for taxpayers in always making sure that taxpayers can be assured that the board is being fiscally responsible with taxpayers’ funds. We need his voice on our board.
Carla Trussell
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