Postal service holding Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive Saturday


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STEPHENVILLE (May 6, 2015) — Your mail carrier is stamping out hunger. And he – or she – needs your help.

The United States Postal Service is holding its annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive this Saturday, May 9, with all mail patrons asked to simply collect and bag non-perishable food items and place them by their mailbox for their letter carrier to deliver to a local food bank or pantry.

Mail carrier

Non-perishable items include canned meats, fish, soup, juice or vegetables, as well as pasta, cereal, peanut butter and rice. The USPS asks that you not include items that have expired or are in glass containers.

If you are in a business that is closed Saturday but want to participate in the food drive, mail carriers ask that you leave your non-perishables on Friday.

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