Stephenville Fall Cup Soccer Tournament draws 42 teams

U12 Bulls join U10 Longhorns in Stephenville sweep of titles



STEPHENVILLE (October 27, 2016) — The first Stephenville Fall Cup Soccer Tournament was held last weekend at Stephenville Soccer Complex, drawing 42 youth teams from Stephenville, Brownwood, Mansfield, Decatur and Cleburne. Tournament director Ian Mackenzie said the event went well and money was raised for the Stephenville Soccer Association. Sponsors for the tournament were Exit Realty Holland and Associates, Farmers and Merchants Bank, H4 Construction, Inc., Paradise Pools, Super 8, Walter Property Management LLC, Brokerage.

The Bulls from Stephenville won the U12 boys division, and the Longhorns (previously pictured on The Flash) topped the Rebels in an all-Stephenville championship in the 10U boys division.

Action photos by DAVID SWEARINGEN, others contributed:


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