STEPHENVILLE (March 23, 2017) – Hot cakes, bacon, sausage and orange juice… For more than 60 years, local Kiwanis have served up breakfast for dinner, and 2017 is no different.
Kiwanis Club of Stephenville hosts its Annual Pancake Supper 5:30-7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 30 in the Stephenville High School cafeteria, and this year’s event will offer drive-up service for busy diners who don’t have time to stay to enjoy their meal.
Debora Beverly, Kiwanis Club president and Cub Scouts Pack 18 master, said drive-up patrons will be served by members of Boy Scouts Troop 18.
“We know people are busy and cannot always make – or take – the time come to events, so we decided to offer drive-thru service,” Beverly said. “The Scouts will meet cars in front on the school, take their orders and return with their meals.”
Kiwanis Club of Stephenville has served as the charter organization for Pack 18 for longer than any other partnership in the area, 53 years, according to Beverly. She said the Kiwanis provide the scout’s meeting place – The Morris Gifford Scout Hut – and assist with utilities and other expenses.
“Kiwanis also make sure we’re financially able to provide for all of the scouts,” Beverly said. “We can call on the club anytime we need something, such as money for scouts who are unable to pay their own way to camp or those who can’t participate in other activities due to financial concerns. Kiwanis make sure none of the boys are left out.”
Beverly said Pack 18 currently includes about 60 boys and is one of about 15 organization across the state serving as a pilot program for the integration of kindergarteners.
She also said the relationship between the boys and Kiwanis is symbiotic, something the community has seen year-after-year at the annual fundraising event.
“Kiwanis Club prides itself on being a youth-oriented organization, so the scouts give back any time we can by helping with their events and other needs like decorating the Kiwanis float in the Fourth of July parade and helping club members with the pancake supper,” Beverly said. “We, Troop 18 and Pack 18, could not be what we are without Kiwanis helping us along the way.”
Kenneth Gifford, longtime Kiwanis club member, past president and son of Morris Gifford, said in addition to backing Stephenville scouts, the club sponsors youth baseball teams at Stephenville Parks and Recreation; supports scholarships at Tarleton State University, including one honoring Dr. Carl Phillips, past president of the civic organization and longtime Harris Methodist Hospital employee; awards Terrific Kids recognitions at Chamberlin Elementary; helps purchase Christmas gifts and other needs for the Rainbow Room; and funds scholarships for Stephenville High School students pursuing a vocational education.
“Internationally, Kiwanis have a goal of helping children,” Gifford said. “Stephenville Kiwanis have the same goal here in our community.”
The pancake supper makes the goal possible.
Tickets are $8 per person, and children who are five years old and younger eat for free. Tickets are available from any Stephenville Kiwanis member or at Gifford TV & Electronics, Bruner Dodge, Woods Furniture and at the door.
The event also features a silent auction and all proceeds will be delivered directly to local scouts. Donations may be given to any local Kiwanis member, or donors can contact Kenneth Gifford at (254) 968-2112 for other options.
For more information on the global organization, visit
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