STEPHENVILLE (July 14, 2017) – Area residents, local leaders and community organizations gathered at City Hall at City Limits Friday afternoon to celebrate the retirement of long-time city secretary, Cindy Stafford.
Stafford has worked with several past mayors as well as the present mayor, Kenny Weldon. She has also worked with numerous city administrators and during her time of service there were a total of 49 different City Council Members.
Included in those present to celebrate Stafford were: Alan Nix, Alan Nash, Perry Elliott, Chuck Elliott, Metta Collier, Blake Thompson, Scott Evans, David Baskett, Kenny Weldon, Joyce Whitis and many others.
Presentation of the keys to the city
Cindy addresses the crowd at the end of the event
Alan Nix
Cindy with City Administrators
Cindy with current and past mayors of Stephenville
Cindy with past City Council Members
Mayor Kenny Weldon
Mayor Weldon and Stafford
Ronnie Isham
Stafford and Alan Nash
Stafford Retirement Cindy with past City Council Members
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