The Stephenville ISD is holding a bond election on May 5 to make important improvements to the Gilbert Intermediate and High School campuses. As parents, SHS graduates, a former teacher, and taxpayers in Stephenville ISD, we wholeheartedly support this bond.
We believe you should support this bond proposal because:
- This is a bond for the COMMUNITY. It’s not just for students and teachers, but for the future well-being and growth of the entire Stephenville community.
- This bond will improve our children’s learning environment by replacing and upgrading aging, undersized, inaccessible and inadequate facilities.
- This bond will provide adequate space for instruction because of cramped conditions, inadequate teaching spaces and laboratories for career and technology courses, and locker room areas that are not conducive to safety and the well-being of students.
- This bond will give our students the tools they need to be ready for college and a competitive workplace through building appropriate instructional facilities with better access to technology and lab spaces for art, agriculture science, band/choir, theater arts, and career and technology courses such as welding, robotics, health science, culinary arts, and building trades to name a few. Over 80% of the students at the high school are involved in these programs.
- This bond will protect our children by improving safety and security.
- This bond will enhance our property values and strengthen our community.
- This bond will build quality facilities that will help attract and retain top educators.
- Finally, this bond will require a minimal investment for a significant impact on the Stephenville community. A homesteaded property will be taxed at $9.00 per month per $100,000 valuation. Over 65 residents with a homestead exemption will NOT pay more in taxes, as they are frozen.
Our teachers, administrators and campus staff are doing their part. We have amazing teachers who are forced to work in inadequate conditions. It is now time for us to do our part and give them the facilities needed to do the job we expect of them.
I ask voters to step forward in a united effort to support this bond. On May 5 we have the opportunity to make a difference in our community and in the lives of our students, parents, teachers, and community for generations to come. I ask that you make yourself knowledgeable at what is at stake, and vote FOR the SISD bond.
Shane and Christin Pack
Stephenville, Texas
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