Letter to the editor,
With elections quickly approaching, we write in support of Russ McDanel for Place 8 on the Stephenville City Council. He is the most experienced and knowledgeable candidate for this position, and he values the needs of everyone in the community.
As homeowners, we appreciate his stance on lower taxes and caring about all the citizenry. He fully understands the roles and responsibilities of town governance, as well as the limitations and complexities, which provides a campaign platform that addresses all issues with experience and vision.
Additionally, as informed voters, we believe the experience Russ has gained from previous council service is advantageous in representing us, and he fully understands that those elected to city council are charged with representing the whole town of Stephenville.
Russ takes the time to listen to what the people have to say, and he engages in thoughtful, well-researched decisions when it comes to problem-solving. His experience as a small business owner provides the capacity of minimizing expenditures for maximum return.
Most importantly, Russ loves this town. He has resided in Stephenville for 48 years, and he has paid local property taxes for 36 years. There’s no doubt, he will work tirelessly on our behalf, just as he worked against the Ranger tax in 2017. A vote for Russ is a vote for a fiscally conservative resident who has seen Stephenville at its greatest and understands what it takes to keep it thriving.
Jennifer & Brian Lesley
Stephenville, TX
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