STEPHENVILLE, Texas — Management Associate Professor Reggie Hall will deliver the seventh talk in Tarleton’s Last Lecture Series at 7:15 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, in the Thompson Center Ballrooms.
Dr. Hall was selected by a committee of faculty, staff and students. Registration to attend is requested at https://tarletonstate.us/lastlecture.
“I am thankful for the opportunity to be selected as the seventh speaker,” said Dr. Hall. “As a first-generation student and graduate, a Tarleton alumnus, three times over, member of the Purple Poo as an undergraduate, it’s obvious that I bleed purple.
“I am excited to share my personal and very purple Tarleton story.”
Like many other colleges and universities, Tarleton hosts an annual event modeled after the well-known Last Lecture by Carnegie Mellon Professor Randy Pausch. Last Lecture topics often address individuals’ professional, personal and cultural experiences that have impacted the trajectory of their life and career.
Dr. Hall joined Tarleton in 2002 as a lecturer. He was named College of Business Teacher of the Year in 2003 and 2009, and received the college’s Faculty Excellence in Student Success Award in 2016. The Texas A&M University System recognized him in 2012 for teaching excellence.
He served two years as the head of the Department of Management and has taught 13 undergraduate and graduate courses, from human resource management and diversity in organizations to organizational behavior, business ethics and leadership.
His research interests include human resource issues, workplace bullying, graduation and retention disparities in higher education, and student retention. He has attended numerous academic conferences, making research presentations and receiving Best Paper awards.

Dr. Hall has published more than 10 articles in journals within his academic discipline. He completed the ACUE certification in Effective Teaching Practices in spring 2022 and has served for five years as an instructor and coach for the Upward Bound program.
From 2012 to 2016 he was the mentoring programs Coordinator in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. During that time he developed the first mentoring and leadership program for traditionally underrepresented males — MENtal Freedom. The program has helped create a legacy of success, graduation and retention for men of color. It boasted 90+ percent graduation and retention with membership near 50 students per year.
Dr. Hall has served as a member and executive member of the Faculty Senate and has been a part of key committees; he served as a member of the hiring committee for the 16th Tarleton President, the Provost and Associate Provost, and is currently on the search committee for the COB Dean.
He is in his second term as a trustee for the Pecan Valley Centers board of directors. He also is a member of the Texas Council Risk Management Fund state board.
Previous Last Lecture speakers were Dr. Christopher Guthrie in 2014, Dr. Jim Kirby in 2015, Dr. James Gentry in 2016, Dr. Rudy Tarpley in 2017, Casey Thompson in 2018 and Dr. David Frazier in 2019.
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