Tarleton’s Purple Pantry Receives Donation to Support Students in Need

Mia Nickerson, student worker in Tarleton's Barry B. Thompson Student Center, stocks shelves at the food pantry with donated items.

STEPHENVILLE — Tarleton State University’s Student Engagement and Success Division and the Department of Student Resources and Basic Needs (SRBN) have announced a contribution that will enhance their ability to support students facing challenges in their academic journey. 

The Purple Pantry, a component of Student Resources and Basic Needs has received more than 600 pounds of beef and pork from Clear Path Home Care. The donation not only addresses immediate hunger but promotes overall student well-being by improving access to nourishing food options.

The Purple Pantry supports students who face financial hardships or lack basic resources. It offers a range of essential items, including food, personal care products and school supplies. 

The Purple Pantry also received recent significant support from an anonymous private donor. Thanks to this contribution, the pantry’s immediate needs are being met, allowing it to redirect its efforts to case management. 

The donation will assist students who are homeless or struggling financially, cover some housing expenses and ensure access to crucial educational materials.

“We are immensely thankful for the incredible generosity shown by Clear Path Home Care to our Purple Pantry,” said SRBN head Dr. Babette Cuadrado. “Their commitment to helping students in need is truly commendable, and we are honored to have their support. 

“Additionally, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to our anonymous donor for their generous gift, which allows us to continue our important work in assisting students facing challenging circumstances.”

Make donations to Student Resources and Basic Needs at www.tarleton.edu/srbn. For information on the Purple Pantry or to learn more about SRBN initiatives, contact Dr. Cuadrado at [email protected].

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