City releases statement on drowning at Splashville


Flash staff report
November 13, 2023

From the City of Stephenville:

“As the residents of Stephenville are aware, the evening of June 24, 2023, the tragic drowning of Colt Williams occurred at the City water facility, Splashville. The City engaged a third-party firm to conduct an investigation into the drowning incident and create a public report of its findings. The City requested the firm also review the City’s policies and procedures in an effort to determine if there was any failing on the part of the City, our staff, or our policies and to determine areas in which we can improve safety for future seasons.

In addition to reviewing the City’s policies and procedures, the third-party firm interviewed all lifeguards on duty that evening as well as multiple patrons of a private party that was being held. The investigation
report is complete. Out of respect for the Williams family, we have provided the family with a copy for their review prior to its release to the public. We anticipate releasing the report publicly on November 16, 2023.

We appreciate the patience of the family and public as this investigation was completed. We wish to express our sincere sorrow for the tragic loss of Colt Williams.”

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