By Grace Kiker
February 19, 2024
Candidates for Commissioner, Precinct 3

Sherman Edwards
1. Where are you from and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
I am a Lifelong resident of Erath County from Stephenville. I am the 4th generation of The Edwards Family.
2. Tell us a little bit about your family.
Married to my wife, my best friend for 39 years. We have two daughters, Markeshia and Ashley along with them we have 4 grandchildren. “As a family, we believe God designed families to be a source of love, support, and strength for us.”
3. What position are you running for?
Erath County Commissioner PCT 3
4. What motivated you to run for this position?
I am employed with Erath County Road Maintenance. I think I can BEST serve Erath County with my knowledge of repairing and building roads.
5. What is your number 1 priority if you win the election?
My #1 priority is to bring a different level of service to Erath County and raise the standards of road conditions for all residents.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for this position?
Working for TXDOT for 27 1/2 years as an inspector, maintaining Roads & Bridges, plus overseeing the budgets and running my own small business. With my experience and my knowledge, I think I have the skills to get things done the right way.

Justin Slawson
1. Where are you from and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
I was born and raised in Stephenville. I’ve only been gone a few of my 45 years.
2. Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’ve been married to Patty Slawson for 20 years now. She is a therapist at Tarleton State University, and we raise our 2 daughters Preslee who is 10 and Charlee who is 13. Both attend Stephenville schools.
3. What position are you running for?
Erath County Commissioner Precinct 3, the incumbent Mr. Brown is retiring after 4 terms.
4. What motivated you to run for this position?
I have been involved in local politics for going on 6 years now and I believe Christian conservatives with business principles can make a positive and needed change in local government. I intend to run the precinct more like a business and less like a government. I will focus on production and efficient spending.
5. What is your number 1 priority if you win the election?
To improve work output and production while taxing citizens less. Proving that business principles are far more beneficial for taxpayers than typical government bureaucracy and spending. I’m hoping that my production will lead to electing other business owners in the future for the overall betterment of Erath County.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for this position?
I’m a graduate of Stephenville High School and have a bachelor’s degree in corrections and justice studies from Eastern Kentucky University. I’ve owned and operated AAA Roofing & Siding LLC since 2004. We have maintained competitive prices and production for 2 decades now and understand how to manage several million dollars in volume while offering value, quality, and efficiency. My experience will give Erath County a work ethic dedicated to maximizing workload while minimizing cost.

Ben Clements
My name is Ben Clements, and I am proud to be from Stephenville, Texas and Erath County. I did not grow up here, but I have been here for 23 years, and have loved every minute. My wife and I have made this our home, and I enjoy raising my two daughters here. Truth be told, I wouldn’t want to raise them any where else. This community is founded on the core values that makes “a house a home” and a “neighbor a friend”. I have seen this community grow and prosper and still keep the “down-home” feel, and for that, I am proud to call Erath County….HOME.
I decided to run for County Commissioner of Erath County Precinct 3 for numerous reasons but mainly, because I know I am the right person for the job to take Precinct 3, and make it better for all those that live within it. Undoubtedly, I know some of the specific things that are needed around the Precinct, and I have a plan to accomplish what is needed. I want to make a difference and want to work hard for this County. I want to contribute both my business expertise and my people skills. Working with the people of Erath County as the County Commissioner would let me use both my knowledge of budgeting and business as well my experience in customer service. I pride myself on being able to get things done, communicate with people successfully, and get the right people in place for the right job, to do the best work possible.
I feel the most important role of a county commissioner is actually two-fold. One is overseeing the budgetary and policy making functions of county government and second is the managing and betterment of the county roads. When you represent the people of Erath County, you represent the best there is. That is why people are flocking to this community. With the growth and movement of Erath County toward Urban County status, the county commissioner will be forced to be more focused on the courthouse activities and all that goes with being a part of the Commissioner Court.
Let me give you some background as to why I think I can and most importantly will, address this two prong part of being County Commissioner.
I grew up on a 44,000 acre cattle ranch in West Texas. I learned at an early age the importance of good roads and how bad roads can adversely affect vehicles and safety. I also learned the values and hard work ethic that have shaped my life and my business. When you come from an agriculture background, you know the importance of balancing funds and making those funds work for you. Funds are limited and need to go a long way to get done what needs to be accomplished now, not later; but all the while making sure you have an emergency fund in case something happens you don’t foresee.
I graduated valedictorian of my high school and attended college with several academic and rodeo scholarships. In college I began announcing rodeos and numerous other events across the United States. Upon graduation from college, I began my professional career of announcing full time all the while being hired by a large corporation to handle and be a part of their event production, scheduling, advertisement, and representation to the rest of the nation. In that job I managed over 100 employees, and handled budgets and pay outs of over several million dollars. In addition, I became the editor of a world-wide magazine with a budget of several million dollars and a circulation of close to a million copies annually. With the people I met, with the experience I gained, and with my own ambitions to forge a stability in this community for my growing family, my wife and I started our X-Treme Team Roping business. We handle events across the state and all the production and budgeting that comes with it. That is how my roots got to be deeply grounded here in this community. This is exactly why I am the most qualified candidate to handle the task of being the County Commissioner of Precinct 3.
I could give you my entire background and history of who I am and why I think I am qualified, but here is the bottom line; this is not about me but about the community, about Precinct 3, and the people and those that live in it. If you ask me if I come from a construction background or how many roads have I paved, I haven’t but that is not who or what this community needs right now in this position. The current road crew for Precinct 3 has over 75 years of road experience. Precinct 3 and Erath county needs someone to make sure their money is being spent where it is needed, that it is not wasted, and that enough is kept in the event of an emergency. They need someone to oversee the betterment of the county roads in the Precinct and they need someone to make sure all the t’s are crossed and the i’s dotted.
If and when I am elected, I plan to work on spending the taxpayer’s money wisely to accomplish what needs to be done in Erath County. The county roads in Erath County and especially in Precinct 3 are very important for obvious reasons, but they also need to make sure those that live down them and on them can get where they need to go without tearing up their vehicles or their equipment. I will work hard to get the majority of the almost 300 miles of roads in our precinct to a paved status. This will take some time, but I have a plan to put into action to make this work. With the growth of Erath County, we can use the influx of tax revenue, without increasing taxes to make this happen. Precinct 3 has a reserve fund in place. I intend to make sure that money is going to remain accessible so that our county can operate without debt. Having a reserve fund for financial shocks can help you avoid relying on other forms of credit or loans that can turn into debt. For example, if you use a credit card or take out a loan to pay for some unexpected expenses, your one-time emergency expense may grow significantly larger than your original bill because of interest and fees. This is exactly what I intend to avoid for Precinct 3.
Although I know this will not be easy and will not happen quickly, I welcome the challenge and am up for the job. If I didn’t think I was, I wouldn’t have even considered throwing my hat in the ring. This is my county and my precinct and I only want the best and won’t accept anything less. My experience in dealing with projects and people make me the best choice for County Commissioner of Precinct 3. I am excited about this opportunity and look forward to making things happen in Erath County.
Candidates for County Tax Assessor-Collector

Marycruz Serrano
1. Where are you from, and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
I’m from Stephenville, TX, born and raised. Have lived here all my life.
2. Tell us a little bit about your family.
My father, Manuel, is a welder/construction worker. He has built structures for many dairies all over Erath County and in other states. My mother, Blanca, is a stay-at-home mom. Her dedication, strength, and love is the glue that has held our family together for so long. My older sister, Bianca, has a Master’s in Molecular Biology. She’s working in Houston with her husband, Jace Willis, who has a PhD in Biomedical Engineering. My little brother, Kevin, is still in high school at Stephenville.
3. What position are you running for?
I am running for Tax Assessor-Collector
4. What motivated you to run for this position?
Being discriminated against and constantly let down, has motivated me to stop being silent and run for this position. This is the only opportunity I may have to create a just and modern office where no one will experience what I have in the years I’ve worked there.
5. What is your number 1 priority if you win the election?
My main priority is to ensure the transition is as quick and smooth as possible. The quicker the transition is, the better it will be for the clerks and customers. Once everything is settled, then the changes can begin.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for this position?
I have 4 1⁄2 years of experience working at the Tax Office as a Motor Vehicle Deputy Clerk under Jennifer Carey and am presently still there. Helped train many of the past, current, and new motor vehicle deputy clerks. Have completed college credits in business courses. Been doing bookkeeping for my father’s self-employment taxes since the age of 15.

Valerie Stephen
1. Where are you from and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
I am a 5th generation Erath County resident and have resided in Stephenville all 36 years.
2. Tell us a little bit about your family.
My parents are Dennis Woods and Wanda Greer both of Dublin. My in-laws are Neal and Ann Stephen who own Stephen’s Health Care and has served our county citizens for nearly 4 decades. I was raised by a parent who is a retired City of Stephenville Police Officer and a current elected official of more than 20 years. I married my high school sweetheart Dustin Stephen in 2010 and together we have 3 kids Huxley, Knoxly and Willow.
3. What position are you running for?
It is an honor and privilege to be seeking the role of your next Tax Assessor-Collector of Erath County.
4. What motivated you to run for this position?
I have been an employee at the Tax Office working as a Motor Vehicle Clerk for over 3 years. I have loved every minute of serving the public but I am ready to take it up a notch and represent the citizens to the next level of capacity.
5. What is your number 1 priority if you win the election?
Reviewing office policies and procedures while mandating staff meetings and continuing education to better serve the citizens with confidence and assured knowledge.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for this position?
As a previous multiple business owner, I have past experience in collecting sales tax, overseeing employees, keeping on budget and overall management. My experience working in the Tax Office is beneficial because I already understand that portion of duties which makes me ahead of the game in knowledge going into office.

Mike Jones
1. Where are you from and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
I grew up in East Fort Worth and graduated from Eastern Hills High School. I moved to Stephenville in 1995 from Abilene after graduating from Abilene Christian University in 1993. Work for Coca-Cola and took a promotion there at the Coke facility in Stephenville.
2. Tell us a little bit about your family.
My family here in Erath County at the moment consists of mostly fur babies including cattle. My parents live on the place here with me. There are a couple of things I can sure relate to with regard to taxes. My parents are on a fixed income. I know how the tax changes impact that segment of the population. I also understand the agricultural side. My place is paid for, so I understand paying a big tax payment all at once.
3. What position are you running for?
Erath County Tax Assessor-Collector
4. What motivated you to run for this position?
I was asked if I would think about or consider running for the position. I believe this is the most important offices in the county and probably one that is not truly understood. I care about the Taxpayer and property owner. Want to make sure we have the funding for the necessary items we rely on but also want to protect the taxpayer as much as legally possible and to make it as easy and convenient as allowed.
5. What is your number 1 priority if you win the election?
Number 1 priority is to build a cohesive team. There will be many changes happening and one person cannot do everything. Stepping into Jennifer’s shoes is a tall order. 40+ years in the office is tough to replace. I intend to start as soon as it is reasonable to do so. Working with Jennifer directly to learn all that is possible before the actual taking of office. This is not a position or job that can be delayed in transition.
Will work with the Tax Assessor’s Office, County Judge and Commissioner’s Court to get positions funded necessary for the transition and training to start when a new budget is released.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for this position?
I have my Bachelor’s of Business in Management from Abilene Christian University. I have been in the business of customer service for most of my life.
I have served on the Stephenville Optimist Club board as well as the Erath County Crime Stoppers board. Am a graduate of the 2001 Leadership Stephenville class.
Served as a Non-Commissioned Officer in the US Army in the 101st Airborne Div including a year deployment to Iraq during a very challenging time. I had the opportunity to lead guys from a wide variety of backgrounds. Am able to lead a very diverse group. I communicate to this day with many of my guys. Had ones from Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Columbia, and Hong Kong to name a few. The position is about people.

Tina Holzschuh
1. Where are you from and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
I grew up in Crowley.
After marriage and children, we built a home outside of Benbrook. Lived there for 20 years until we moved to Stephenville.
My husband and I moved to Stephenville in 2021.
2. Tell us a little about your family.
Tim Holzschuh and I have been married 28 years and we have four adult children and 1 grandson.
Tim currently works as a DA investigator.
Samuel Holzschuh lives in Oklahoma City and will graduate law school in May 2024.
Jacob Holzschuh lives in Stephenville and is a TSU grad, USMC veteran, Active Duty Sgt in the National Guard and currently coaches the Stephenville Jackets youth football team.
Hannah Holzschuh a TSU grad and works at Stephenville City Hall
Alexie Holzschuh (DIL) is a 7th grade SISD school teacher and coach.
Joshua Holzschuh currently attends Ranger College and works at Prime Building.
We raised our children to serve their community. My husband has been in law enforcement for 36 years.
I served in county and state government for 6 years.
3. What position are you running for?
I am seeking the office of Erath County Tax Assessor-Collector.
4. What motivated you to run?
I want to bring fresh servant leadership to the office and to lead by professional example. I want to provide transparency to an elected position free of entanglements. Since moving here my family jumped in to serve somewhere in our community. I left the Attorney General’s office to stay home and raise our four children. It is time to utilize the qualifications I have and to be a servant to benefit Erath County.
5. What is the number one priority if you win the election?
Number one priority is to reestablish servant leadership within the office. Due to both long-standing servants leaving the TAC office (Mrs. Carey and Mrs. Stevens) keeping the staff and office flowing will be a priority.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for the position?
I have worked two years in county government and six years in state government- the Texas Attorney General Office. A year ago, when I saw that the Tax Office was in trouble and believing that I could help, I began to research the job of TAC. It was then that I began taking education courses from the Tax Assessor-Collector Association of Texas. Having received credit for seven courses I knew that my skills and knowledge were perfect for the Erath County TAC which is why I chose to run for office. I am well on my way to achieving the Professional County Collector Designation (PCC) designation, with credits for; Public Records Release Management and Retention, Ethics for County Tax Assessor-Collectors, Motor Vehicle Sales Tax and Fee Collections, Voter Registration and Chapter 19 Funds, New County Tax Assessor, Budget Planning, Accounting in the County Tax Office.
I’m not in the office yet.

Niki McInroe Cogburn
1. Where are you from and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
Erath County is my home. My family moved here when I was 3. I am a graduate of Stephenville High School. I moved to Missouri for 10 years, but when given the opportunity to relocate, I chose to come home. That was 20 years ago.
2. Tell us a little bit about your family.
I have been married to my husband, Tim, for 13 years in April. I have 3 children, 2 bonus children and 7 grandkids.
3. What position are you running for?
I am running for Tax Assessor-Collector
4. What motivated you to run for this position? I have worked in the tax office for 3 years. When Jennifer let it be known that she was retiring, I decided to run for the position. I have witnessed what the job entails and I think that I would be a good fit for the position.
5. What is your number 1 priority if you win the election?
My number 1 priority would be to keep an open door policy for residents of Erath County and the employees of the tax office. I would strive to provide each person who walks into the office with the best service possible by having a team of employees in place who have the knowledge to do that.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for this position?
I currently work in the tax office and have completed all training modules that are required of the motor vehicle clerks. I have 30-plus years of customer service and manager experience.
Candidate for County Attorney

Bethany Espinoza
1. Where are you from and how long have you lived in/around Erath County?
As the child of a career Marine, I lived in several different locations while I was growing up, but my parents were both native to Texas. I have lived in Erath County for 23 years.
2. Tell us a little bit about your family.
I have been married to my husband, Moises, for 23 years, and we have seven children, ranging in age from 5 to 21.
3. What position are you running for?
Erath County Attorney
4. What motivated you to run for this position?
I have a passion for working with children involved in the legal system, either through CPS, the juvenile justice system, or as crime victims. The County Attorney’s office prosecutes CPS cases, juveniles accused of delinquent behavior, protective orders, and misdemeanors of all sorts, so it is the perfect opportunity to mix public service with my passion. Also, I love Erath County and am motivated to make it the very best that it can be. When I heard my friend Lisa Pence was considering stepping down from the position of County Attorney, I knew it was my calling.
5. What is your number 1 priority if you win the election?
I intend to improve communication and cooperation between the County Attorney’s Office and each other county office and law enforcement agency we work with. In addition, I want to make our local juvenile justice system more impactful and more efficient.
6. What education/experience makes you the right fit for this position?
I attended Tarleton State University and received a bachelor’s degree in 2001. After working as a legal assistant for a few years, I attended law school at Baylor University School of Law and graduated in 2006. Following a short stint at a big law firm in Fort Worth, I worked as an associate attorney for Garry Lewellen from 2008 through 2013. I then joined Stephen McKethan in McKethan Espinoza PLLC from 2013 through 2023. I have been a part-time solo practitioner and the assistant Erath County Attorney since June 2023.
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