By Jessie Horton
April 24, 2024
The Erath County Master Gardeners will hold their annual Spring Plant Sale on Saturday, April 27, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the AgriLife Center on Hwy. 281, North. This is a brand new location for the sale and for the ECMG gardener’s fundraiser.
The local master gardeners have held their annual Spring Plant Sale in other locations over the last few years, most recently, the Stephenville Historical Museum. Now, the ECMG has a home of its own on the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Center’s land north of Stephenville. The new location has allowed them to grow their annual Spring Plant Sale.
“It’s going to be bigger and better than ever,” said ECMG board president, Donna DeCross.

According to Erath County Master Gardener, Sheila Mangione, this year’s event will feature a wide variety of beautiful native plants and herbs. They will also have Texas Superstar® plants and other heat or drought-tolerant plants. There will also be other annuals, perennials, cactus, and succulents, as well as indoor and patio plants.
“There are going to be so many great plants available this year,” said DeCross. “The new location allows us to grow the sale in so many ways and we will have everything from beautiful blooming natives to herbs and some tomato plants for the vegetable gardeners.”
DeCross also said there would be many container plants and hanging plants.
“Mother’s Day is coming up, and there are some pretty hanging baskets, just in case anyone needed help with a gift this year,” she offered.
In addition to the plants, there will also be educational stations offering sessions on water-wise gardening, container gardening, beekeeping, butterfly gardening, and even activities for the kids. The ECMG will have certified master gardeners on hand at the sale to assist with plant selection and gardening tips.
DeCross said the plant sale is the largest fundraiser for the Erath County Master Gardeners and this year one of their big projects will be the new greenhouse on the property. She said the ECMG hopes to utilize the greenhouse not only for growing more but also to educate the community. The ECMG is already planning on holding classes for the public in their new location soon.
As for Saturday, make plans to bring the family and come on out to the Spring Plant Sale.
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