Tarleton State Graduate Programs Fair Slated for Oct. 2


STEPHENVILLE — Tarleton State University will host a Graduate Programs Fair for prospective students starting at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 2, inside the Barry B. Thompson Student Center Ballrooms in Stephenville. The come-and-go event will allow attendees the opportunity to speak directly with individual program representatives and to get their questions answered.

Since it is never too early to begin considering graduate school options, students from every class year are encouraged to attend. Additionally, any Tarleton State alumni and members of the public who are contemplating graduate education are also invited.

Walk-in guests are welcome, but advance registration is appreciated. All event attendees who apply for graduate school admission at Tarleton within a week of the event will have the $50 application fee waived.  

Tarleton State’s Office of Financial Aid and Office of Scholarships will also be represented at the event to provide information regarding resources for funding a graduate school education.

Event details and registration are available at www.tarleton.edu/graduate.

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