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STEPHENVILLE ( March 12, 2015) — Erath County resident and history buff Dr. Taber Meyers will serve as the featured guest presenter at the upcoming Dinner in the Stacks, presented by Friends of the Dick Smith Library at Tarleton State University on Saturday, March 28.
The Friends of the Library will host its membership and the public during the semi-annual event which features food, door prizes and good company among thousands of volumes inside Tarleton’s university library.
Dinner in the Stacks opens with appetizers at 6:30 p.m. in the library’s foyer, followed by dinner at 7 and “Reminiscences of Erath and Comanche Counties,” led by Meyers, a retired veterinarian whose descendants called Comanche County home in the late 1800s.
“We welcome the community to attend and support this immensely popular Dinner in the Stacks,” said Friends of the Library’s Board President Bill Dennis. “This promises to be an enjoyable evening for all, and we encourage those who plan to attend to call and make their dinner reservations now.”
Meyers will tell stories of the construction of Comanche County’s early courthouses, two of which his great-grandfather helped to construct, including the first non-log cabin structure built in 1875. His presentation will detail those early courthouses prior to the present day art deco style structure that graces downtown Comanche’s square.
In addition to Comanche County Courthouse history, Meyers will detail the original John Nance Garner State Park established north of Stephenville in the 1930s. The park later became Stephenville State Park and, after some political wrangling and mishaps, the property eventually reverted to its original owner, John B. Collier II. Today, Meyers lives and ranches adjacent to a portion of the original Garner State Park.
Reservations must be made no later than 5 p.m., Wednesday, March 25. Tickets are $17.50 in advance for members of Friends of the Library and $20 at the door, or $22.50 in advance for non-members and $25 at the door.
To purchase tickets and RSVP for the event, or for more information about becoming a member of Friends of the Dick Smith Library, call 254-968-9474, go online http://bit.ly/XLQfFK, or stop by the Tarleton library in Room 201.
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