SISD holding public hearing Monday concerning proposed budget, tax rate



STEPHENVILLE (August 16, 2015) — Stephenville ISD trustees will hold a public hearing concerning the proposed 2015-16 budget and tax rate during their regularly scheduled meeting at 5:30 p.m. Monday in Bond Auditorium.

Trustees voted July 20 to set the proposed tax rate at $1.17 per $100 valuation for maintenance and operations, and $0.1946 for debt payments.

But even though the previous maintenance and operations tax was $1.04, Stephenville ISD superintendent Matt Underwood says taxes aren’t going up. They are simply being shifted around.



Once the tax rate is formally adopted, Underwood plans to ask trustees to call a tax ratification election asking voters to authorize a tax swap moving $0.13 from debt taxes to maintenance and operations taxes. That will cover the proposed tax rate of $1.17 – without a tax increase – and bring in approximately $360,000 in additional funding because the state will match more in maintenance and operation funding than in debt funding.

“It may sound confusing but all you really need to know is if we do this and the vote passes, you’re taxes will not go up. They won’t change at all, but we can get additional funding from the state,” Underwood told attendees at a “sunrise scrambler” network event hosted by the Stephenville Chamber of Commerce, Stephenville Athletic Booster Club and Greer’s Ranch Cafe on July 28.

Also highlighting Monday’s agenda is an action item to consider approval of the sale of property held in trust, approval of the 2015-16 student code of conduct and more.

Here is the agenda:

Agenda – August 17, 2015 – Regular Meeting


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