Political action group independent of HISD also forming
February 29, 2016 — A political action group is forming, a website is up and a bond information meeting is planned.
Huckabay ISD is asking voters to approve a $6.29 million bond on the May 7 election ballot. The bond would cover construction of a new building housing a cafetorium, kitchen and gymnasium and conversion of the current cafeteria and kitchen into four classrooms.
“The bond…will address the district’s aging facilities, provide safety and accessibility improvements and increase capacity to meet the needs of current students and future enrollment growth,” reads a statement on the website HuckabayISDBond.com.
Trustees unanimously approved putting the bond before voters on February 17, and a bond election contract was approved by Erath County commissioners on February 22. Early voting for the May 7 election is April 25-May 3.
The political action group and the bond website are meant to inform the public, and the action group will be working independently from the school district, according to superintendent Dr. Cheryl Floyd. Many members of the group will likely carry over from a bond steering committee that recommended the bond to school trustees.
A bond information meeting is set for 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 14 at the Huckabay ISD gym.
Below is an information sheet shared by HISD. It includes an example of the tax impact that would come with approval of the bond.
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