STEPHENVILLE (April 6, 2016) — Holly Hubbard is doing a lot more than just teaching seventh grade English at Henderson Junior High.
Hubbard is impacting lives in droves as the HJH huddle sponsor for the Cross Timbers Area Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She isn’t just sponsoring a huddle, but doing it as well as anyone in the region, says Cross Timbers FCA Area Coordinator Carrie Normand, who on Wednesday joined a group of FCA leading students from HJH in presenting Hubbard with the huddle sponsor of the year award.

“It is such a blessing to serve our students in this way and to see their love of the Lord and for sharing that with their friends,” said Hubbard, who was surprised by the award delegation that waited silently around a corner for her arrival Wednesday.
Hubbard says the growth of FCA over the last couple years has exceeded anyone’s expectations.
“Our first year at our biggest meeting we had 50 kids, and we consistently have more than 200 now,” Hubbard said. “It’s been such a blessing to see the growth we have experienced and the passion these kids have.”
As part of the honor, Hubbard was presented a scholarship for a FCA leadership cam,p June 6-9 at Hardin Simmons University in Abilene.
“We have 13 campuses in our Cross Timbers Area, and she was picked from all the huddle sponsors at those 13 campuses,” said Normand. “FCA is student led, but it takes someone special like Mrs. Hubbard to organize and (facilitate) everything. She goes above and beyond and we appreciate all she does for these guys and girls.”

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