Third Annual Community Adult Spelling Bee to benefit TreeHouse


Special to The Flash

STEPHENVILLE (March 22, 2017) – The 3rd Annual Community Adult Spelling Bee (and Silent Auction) is a sure sign of Spring!

It’s that time….time for the adults to once again prove how well they can spell (hopefully as well as an Intermediate student!)

The 3rd Annual Adult Community Spelling Bee will be held on Thursday, April 20, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church (Stephenville) Fellowship Hall.

The TreeHouse Afterschool Program Board of Directors is once again hosting an adult spelling bee to raise money for the nonprofit organization which provides free child care, mentoring, tutoring, snacks, and activities in a safe environment for school-age children in kindergarten through fourth grade.  The program relies solely on funds from the Erath County United Way and donations from private citizens; it serves about 50 children per school year.

To make this event a success, the Spelling Bee Committee needs community members to sign up to participate.  The registration fee for a team—each with a maximum of three individuals, ages 18 years or older—is $100.00 per team.

Jennifer Muncey, Adult Spelling Bee Committee member, said the rules are simple:

“First, we want everyone to have fun.  To alleviate some of the pressure of a traditional spelling bee, teams will be provided with a dry erase board to write out each word, and team members will work together to determine the correct spelling.

The announcer will pronounce each word to be spelled twice.  Teams will have 15 seconds to work together to write the correct spelling on the dry erase board and hold up the board for the judges to see when time is called.  If the board is not displayed, the word is considered misspelled.”

Muncey said a single misspelled word per round results in the team’s elimination, but each team can purchase a maximum of two passes which allow the team to remain in the competition. Passes cost $50.00 each. 

Leann Pate, TreeHouse Director, encourages teams to seek financial backing from area businesses and other sponsors for the registration fee and the two passes.

“We hope donors and participants will work together to help make this fundraiser an entertaining and successful way to raise money for our children,” Pate said. “If a local business would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the event to cover the cost of a team entry and the passes, they can recruit employees and family members to represent their business.”

With the 3rd Annual Adult Spelling Bee rapidly approaching, the deadline for registration is 5 p.m., Monday, April 17, 2017.

Since the number of teams is limited to eight, they will be accepted on a first-come basis. For more information, call Jennifer at 254-592-9083 or Carolyn at 214-708-7672.

The night will conclude with a silent auction at 7:30 p.m. Auction Chairperson, Caryl Chilton, reported 68 items were auctioned at the 2016 event.

Meanwhile, Pate and the spelling bee organizers invite the entire community to cheer on the participants and enjoy the fun, the fellowship and the laughter beginning at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, April 20. 


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