Flash Staff Report
STEPHENVILLE (May 5, 2017) – According to City Secretary Cindy Stafford and various council members, Councilman Jerry Warren has resigned from his place on the Stephenville City Council.
Stafford confirmed the city received an email from Warren last night expressing his desire to resign from the council. However, she said the council must accept the resignation (which must be presented in writing to the council and signed by the council member) before it is official.
This comes just one day before the city council election. A heated election that has resorted to name calling on social media by Warren and a council challenger. However, Warren was not up for election this term, so many were surprised by the move.
Last week, Warren did write a letter to the editor (here) in which he stated that if David Baskett won the election for Place 7, he would resign. Baskett is challenging incumbent Sherry Zachery for the seat on Place 7. While early voting totals have not been released, officials did not expect this from Warren today.
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