Initial six-week period shows uptick in attendance rate at SISD

Courtesy Stephenville ISD


STEPHENVILLE (October 16, 2017) — Apparently, StephenvilleISD students enjoy going to school.

Or at least their parents or guardians do a good job making them go, any way.

Attendance rates from the first six-week reporting period of the 2017-18 school year were discussed during the regular monthly meeting of district trustees Monday, and it was good news being shared in Bond Auditorium.

Stephenville ISD 2017-18 First Six Weeks Attendance
(Click to view attenadnce rate graphs)


Districtwide the attendance rate is u 0.22 percent over 2016-17, and at 97.30 percent matches the third highest it has been over the past 12 years. That figure is above 97 percent for the second straight year and seventh time in the past 12 years,

Henderson Junior High stunts are attending school at a higher percentage than the new HJH campus has ever seen, as the 97.80 percent attendance over the initial six weeks is the highest by seventh and eighth graders over any of the last 12 academic years. It’s up a full 1-percent over the same reporting period last year, which matched the two preceding years.

The HJH students still couldn’t find the motivation to make it as often as the happy fifth and sit graders at Gilbert Intermediate School, where the rate as 97.9 percent.

Central Elementary School for the youngest of students increased .4 percent to 96.4, Chamberlin Elementary for firs and second graders was turned in a strong 97.6 percent despite dropping 0.1, third and fourth graders made it to Hook Elementary 97.6 percent of the time, a 0.3 percent uptick, and the district’s best attendance at Gilbert was .1 higher than this time a year go , not to mention the highest its bee in a first-six week grading period since a whopping 98.1 percent in 2006-07.

High school students jus weren’t having it, dropping off 0.4 percent, but those students are to be forgiven as they typically have more going on with best first-six week rate over the past 12 years of 97.1 percent.

Now is when the rates all take a slight dip, traditionally anyway. The first six weeks has been the best attended reporting period over the past 12 years at all six primary campuses. Attendance is typically at its lowest just past them middle of he year in the fourth and fifth of the six reporting periods.


Administrators had highlighted in graphs shared with trustees during the meeting  – and with you below – the best annul attendance rate and for each campus and the district as a whole, giving administrators and teachers something to motivate by and parents and students a figure to reach for. District wide, the best year-long attendance rate dating back to 2006-07 was 96.14 percent in 2011-12.

Those fifth and sixth graders again take the cake in that category, with a year-long best over the past 12 years of 96.8 perent, but they had better be waking early and hustling to class s often as possible because that figure was from 2006-07 and drops off the 12-year snap shot once 2017-18 is complete.

On a serious note, average daily attendance, or ADA, is tied directly to funding received from the state, and administrators and trustees strongly encourage all students of this and any district to attend school every day classes are held unless it is just unreasonable due to health or circumstance.

Stephenville ISD 2017-18 First Six Weeks Attendance
(Click to view attenadnce rate graphs)

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