I am proud to be a member of a council that has made important decisions wisely and with the vision of improving our community, now and in the future. By better managing our financial resources, this council was able to reduce the tax rate while still providing essential municipal services. We secured $17 million dollars in funding for sewer improvements, averaged spending over $900,000 a year on street improvements, and eliminated a $5.4 million dollar long-term unfunded liability.
It is important to me that the candidates I endorse share my commitment and goals for Stephenville.
I feel privileged to have served on this council with Carla Trussell. She has a passion for and dedication to Stephenville. Carla’s honest and candid approach set her apart. She’s never hesitant to ask the tough questions or give an honest opinion. She takes on issues and is steadfast in dealing with them. She has been actively involved in every aspect of the council from committee meetings to city board meetings. Carla’s involvement in the community includes serving as president of the Cross Timbers Republican Women, being treasurer of CARTA during the Ranger Tax Annexation issue, serving on the board of the Stephenville Museum, Carla is a graduate of the Citizen’s Police Academy, and is a Salvation Army bell ringer.
I previously served on the council with Russ McDanel and I can attest to his dedication and preparation as a councilman. Russ was previously mayor pro tem and brings a needed level of experience in both business and government that will be an asset as the council deals with significant fiscal challenges. Russ is a graduate of the Citizen’s Police Academy, and Leadership Stephenville.
I encouraged Justin Allison’s candidacy. Justin has served on the planning and zoning board for several years. He is well versed in the complexity of zoning issues and strategic planning for our city’s growth. He is well educated and has a deep interest in our city government. He will offer an intelligent common sense approach to governing. His integrity and strong sense of responsibility will serve him well as a councilman.
Please join me in casting your vote for Trussell, McDanel, and Allison. They need our vote and we need them. Together, we can KSG ( Keep Stephenville Great).
Councilwoman Sherry Zachery
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