I recently moved outside the city limits and unfortunately will not get to vote in city council races anymore. However, I would like to urge those who can to consider re-electing Carla Trussell to the Stephenville City Council. Carla was the treasurer for CARTA ( Citizens Against Ranger Tax Annexation) and she and Kimmie McKinney led our group to a resounding victory. As a member of the City Council, Carla has continued to adhere to fiscal conservatism and less intrusion of the government into your pocketbook by voting to lower the property tax rate this budget year and voting to eliminate a $5.4 million dollar unfunded liability. She’s the type of woman who stands up for what is right when it would be easier to just go along with the status quo. We need her on our council.
Sheila & Robert Birdwell
Erath County
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