October 26, 1995 ~ July 16, 2024 (age 28)
Démion left this world to continue living, drinking rum, and eating to his hearts content in Helheim with his family already there until the rest of us can join him.
He is survived by his partner of 13 and wife of 10 years Jassetta Pattenaude, two kid Jason and Brenja Pattenaude of Stephenville. Mother Amy Glover and partner Clint of Ranger, TX, Siblings Raven Pattenaude and partner Billy of Ranger, TX, Harley Hampsten and partner Maelan of Milwaukee, WI, Mamaw Judy James and husband Dean of Trinidad, CO, Grandpa Melvin “Skip” Pattenaude of Ranger, TX, Uncle Aaron Pattenaude of Ft Worth, TX, Uncle Doug Glover of New Mexico, 7 nieces and nephews and various other family members.
Démion is proceeded in death by his Gramda Ellie Pattenaude and an Aunt Elaine Pattenaude.
“Oh Odin, All-Father, hear our plea as we return our kin to your embrace, may their journey be safe and swift. May the brave deeds they performed in life echo in your great hall. Thor, protector, let your mighty hammer guard them. Freya, goddess of love and war, receive them with open arms. May they find peace and honor in the realms of the god.” – Viking Prayer
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