Residents will be asked for input into city’s capital improvement program

What's your pet project for Stephenville? Here's a chance to give your opinion on Stephenville's Capital Improvement Program.


STEPHENVILLE (June 3, 2016) – The city of Stephenville is giving its residents the opportunity to voice their opinions with a pair of town hall meetings and an online survey seeking public input for its capital improvement program.

City Administrator Pat Bridges released a copy of the survey Monday and expressed his excitement at seeing the plan coming together.

“This is an opportunity for citizens to provide their input for projects they feel are needed or wanted,” Bridges said.

More than 30 items are listed on the survey for capital improvements with costs ranging between $10 Million to $50,000 for various projects. The most costly being the East Side Sewer Project where the current collection system is nearing capacity with two 15-inch sewer lines connected to a single 21-inch clay pipe. The 21-inch clay pipe needs to be addressed from College Farm Road to the Stephenville Recreation Center.

The improvement plan doesn’t just include “the essentials” but also has items like a dog park, a landfill shredder (could add 50 or more years to landfill life) and more. Items like those are just part of the reason it will be important for residents to attend the town hall meetings scheduled for later this month.

The meetings will include city directors like Jeremy Allen and Nick Williams who will be presenting information and answering questions for projects they feel are essential to Stephenville.

Citizens attending will then get to vote on projects they feel are the most important and that information will be compiled and forwarded to the city council for consideration.

The purpose of Stephenville’s capital improvement program is to implement and facilitate the city’s comprehensive plan. It serves as a blueprint for planning the community’s capital expenditures and of course is an important responsibility for the city council.

The Flash Today has obtained a COPY OF THE SURVEY, which is expected to be online following Tuesday’s regular monthly meeting of the city council. The two town hall meetings are scheduled for June 9 and June 16 at the Stephenville Recreation Center. The exact times will be released at a later date.

Allen, who serves as Director of Community Services is expected to moderate the first meeting while both Bridges and Allen will be present at the second meeting.


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