Staff Report
STEPHENVILLE (June 19, 2017) – A facility planning committee is close to having a prioritized final list of facility needs faced by multiple campuses across Stephenville ISD.
The committee meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Ag classrooms of the CATE building at Stephenville High School. Preceding the meeting at 5 p.m. will be make up tours of the four-decade old high school campus for members who missed the initial tour. The campuses of Gilbert Intermediate and Hook Elementary schools have also been toured by the committee, while the campuses of Central and Chamberlin elementary schools and Henderson Junior High are already home to more recently upgraded facilities.
Finalizing the facility needs list and prioritizing those needs are the primary goals of the meeting, according to an email from SISD superintendent Matt Underwood to committee members, district trustees and local media. The email later states parameters of an upcoming community survey will be discussed, and the committee will not meet again until after the survey is conducted in the fall.
Huckabee compiled the agenda for the meeting, which could move SISD one step closer to a seemingly imminent bond election being called by district trustees. A potential project prioritization activity to end the Tuesday meeting, as well as the results of the upcoming community survey, could be indicators of which facility needs would be part of that election, when one is called.
On June 2, Underwood released a preliminary facility needs list that can be seen by clicking the graphic below. It was compiled by Huckabee based on feedback from committee members following tours of the Hook and Gilbert campuses as well as the initial tour of the high school.
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