STEPHENVILLE (February 4, 2015) — It seems as if it is almost official. As of Wednesday, representatives in Aldi’s Denton Corporate offices confirmed to The Flash that Aldi is building a new store in Stephenville.
According to the Aldi representative who answered a number listed for their real estate division and would not give her name as she did not have permission to speak on the matter, could only confirm that Aldi would be building a brand new grocery store from the ground up. When asked where the store would be located, the rep could not confirm a location. However, she did confirm the store would be similar to other Aldi locations in their southwest region.
The Flash pulled some records and did some looking around. Aldi locations in Texas and other southern states are all very similar and are usually located along major roadways in cities of similar size to Stephenville. Since Aldi will not be building a distribution center in Stephenville, they will not require as much land as was needed when the Denton store was constructed.
From the ground up implies Aldi will not be renovating an already existing building. Based on locations for sale in Stephenville currently ready for construction, which Aldi would need to meet the 2016 timeline, there are two logical locations, both along Washington Street – the old Coca-Cola distributing property or where the old Holiday Inn was. From what we already know is planned for the Coca-Cola property, The Flash estimates Aldi will build on the property that was once a hotel.
Further research uncovered the estimated cost of building an Aldi from the ground up in Texas last year is $1,500,000. This is including food store, break room, closet, cold storage, computer, Customer Service desk, displays, equipment, storage, food storage, mechanical room, offices, records storage, restrooms, sales, shipping and receiving, equipment storage, vehicle parking, walk-in freezer, cast in place concrete foundation, structural steel frame, masonry exterior, steel joist roof structure and steel bar joist roof deck.
A call to the city of Stephenville was not returned as of press time, and the estimates above regarding location in Stephenville are based solely on the author’s experience covering other commercial construction projects and knowledge of timelines.
We need a grocery store on east side of Stephenville you have to drive all through town just to go grocery shopping.
Near 281 and 377 , near the airport!
Wish wish we could get one here in Hamilton. We need something so bad. Wonder what we would have to do?
“From what we already know is planned for the Coca-Cola property,” what is planned?
I have heard that location is suppose to be either renovated into a small shopping strip or torn down and rebuilt as a mall shopping strip. Similar in size to where wingstop/AT&T is located. There was a pre-leasing banner in front of it last year, I’m not sure if plans have changed.
Its about time ! If you can’t get it at Walmart or heb you are in trouble !
By Valley Grove Church would be a good spot ! 281 and 205 !
I am not a fan of Aldis….Ever been to the one in Granbury? …not impressed.
I am quite a fan of Aldis and have been driving long distance to take advantage of the ‘no frills’ bargains. Especially in the dairy area. To get into the regular grocery part you have lots of condiments, cookies and crackers that are interesting and unique–and probably not a bargain for that type thing but fun to get different type foods. Almost all merchandise is food. Bring your own carry home containers. Meats look fresh but are comparable in price to other stores.
Brownwood is getting an ALDI, a huge UNITED, and an HEB Neighborhood Market.. The Stephenville trade market is as large as Brownwood, so what (who?) is keeping retailers (such as HOME DEPOT and LOWES) out of Stephenville???
Obviously ALDI heard it loud and clear when residents wanted a bigger, better, newer HEB. WELCOME ALDI!
any update on this? I haven’t seen any signs of it being built
I am with you. An Aldi in Hamilton would be great! We heard a long time ago that they were building one in Stephenville and I was hoping it had already been built just to be closer. Rosie
Will believe it when I see it, and how about lingleville road?
, lots of traffic and only little convenience stores, could also use another eating establishment all we have is peacocks that is not open full time;